Evangelical Theological Seminary
Education for service, work, and life
Why study at ETS Higher Vocational School?ETS News
Offering higher vocational studies and courses for the public
Proč studovat ETS?
Kvalita vyučujících
Učí u nás praktici s odborným vzděláním
Osobní přístup
Propojujeme profesní a osobnostní etiku
Hodnoty školy
Jsme odborná škola s profesním základem
Příprava pro praxi
Reagujeme na potřeby společnosti, církve a profese
Our Faculty
The teaching team at ETS consists of about 35 instructors. All of them are actively involved in their fields of expertise. They bring both knowledge and practical experience into the classroom for you.
Interested in studying with us?
ETS Live is a time to visit us in person! You can explore our location and facilities, look into the course content, discuss your study plans with us, and discover even more!
Dates and program can be found HERE
Please send your application well in advance. Registered applicants will be contacted by our admissions office with information about the next steps.